6 Social Media Trends That Will Change Your Digital Strategy in 2015

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6 Social Media Trends That Will Change Your Digital Strategy in 2015

Post by Tingli »

A few years ago, it became clear to all marketing professionals and company CEOs that social media is much more than just a fad. Year after year, it has changed the way people communicate, share interests, give their opinions on the products and services they buy, etc.

In 2014 we have seen a leap in the evolution of advertising on Social Media in Ecuador and the world, the emergence of new platforms and the strengthening of niche communities. But the question is, what awaits us in the field of social media in 2015?

Facebook advertising will continue to rise in price and Twitter phone number list advertising will continue to become more popular.
Facebook post reach has dropped to less than 20% this year, and with that, advertising prices and demand have risen . Companies continue to advertise heavily on the platform despite the upward trend in prices, and that trend will continue in 2015.


LinkedIn positions itself as the leading network for B2B companies
According to Social Media Examiner’s 2014 survey , 88% of B2B companies are using and getting more out of LinkedIn, making it the leader in this segment of businesses. The same survey shows that 76% of network marketing professionals plan to increase their use of LinkedIn in 2015, which shows that next year we will see more activity, advertising and interaction from companies on this social network.

Instagram leads the way in social imaging.
Instagram has become the go-to social network for videos and images. In fact, at the beginning of December 2014, it reached 300 million active users and there is no sign of its growth stopping in 2015. It is very likely that we will see Instagram leave Vine behind in the coming year and consolidate itself with advertising short videos within the users' feed.

Social media marketing is consolidated as a pillar of content marketing
In 2014 we saw the growth of the content marketing trend, understood in a thousand different ways by marketers around the world. In 2015 we will undoubtedly see social networks consolidate themselves as distribution partners for content producers .

E-commerce and social media come together
This year we have seen Facebook’s first steps towards an integrated buy button for users. Next year will undoubtedly be the year of the big launch of this new feature that will most likely become integrated into most users’ lives if it is presented in the right way. Where mobile payment apps like Square, Stripe will go next and what major players like PayPal will do about it remains to be seen.
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