Email marketing campaign: how to generate traffic?

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Email marketing campaign: how to generate traffic?

Post by pappu693 »

Email is used by 3.9 billion people worldwide . Today, it is a key digital marketing tool for increasing traffic to your website . Its return on investment (ROI) is estimated at 28.5%. This result is explained by high reader loyalty and ease of use .

Email marketing can be used in different sectors of activity to increase online sales . In this article, discover our 5 tips for generating traffic through email .

Have a well-filled contact list
To obtain a list of contacts, the opt-in must be respected . The recipient must explicitly give consent to the brand to receive its emails. If they have not clearly said "yes", it should be considered a "no". There are two types of opt-in:

Passive opt-in . The prospect non-explicitly gives his/her consent vp facility managers email lists to receive offers by email. This often takes the form of a pre-checked box at the end of the form (participation in a contest, downloading a white paper, etc.)
In B2C, this practice is not permitted by the CNIL. In B2B, it is strongly discouraged.

Active opt-in . The prospect explicitly gives his or her consent for his or her email address to be used for marketing purposes. This type of opt-in most often consists of checking a box.
To get the maximum number of email addresses, it is important to multiply contact opportunities :

Contests ;
Registration forms ;
Newsletters ;
Download a white paper ;
Discount offers to receive by email;
Save shopping cart, etc.
Do you want to benefit from a larger contact list? You can use the services of a digital expert. Dataventure opt-in has more than 100M partner databases to distribute your email marketing campaigns.

Segmenting your customer database
Before launching an email marketing campaign, you need to choose who you decide to send which email to. Discover some examples of segmentation:


Sociodemographic data;
Behavioral data;
Contextual data;
Active vs inactive customers;
The stage reached within the sales funnel;
The most appreciated types of content;
Previous purchases.
Without good segmentation and targeting, your unsubscribe rate will be high.
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