Cloud CRM, SaaS CRM and CRM on Demand – are they the same?

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Cloud CRM, SaaS CRM and CRM on Demand – are they the same?

Post by chandon »

Cloud CRM, SaaS CRM and CRM On Demand, are they the same?

These 3 concepts are closely interrelated, in fact, you could say that they are 3 sides of the same coin (if they had 3 sides of course). Throughout the article, we will develop each of them in its CRM version , that is, Cloud CRM , SaaS CRM and finally (and more extensively in another article), CRM On Demand . But what is Cloud CRM, SaaS CRM and CRM on Demand?

SaaS CRM vs. Cloud CRM

SaaS , or 'Software as a Service' is a component of Cloud Computing - it uses this model - and is related to how companies manage and store their information on servers. In the case of On Demand software, it is one of the characteristics or properties of CRM in the cloud . The differences between both concepts are few, but significant in absolute terms, such as the capacity for customization of each one, the costs or the company that best suits it according to size. In the table below you can see at a glance the most representative differences, but also the common characteristics, such as prior subscription or access via the Internet.

As far as CRM software is concerned , they do not compete with each other, but with On Premise software, which is opposed to the aforementioned CRM On Demand. To learn more about this software, visit sms gateway estonia our article 'CRM On Demand: the improved version of CRM On Premise' . In addition, as a relevant fact, 47% of CRM systems are based on SaaS, according to a study by the company Gartner carried out in 2014.


Improved productivity (higher return on investment) thanks to the elimination of the time and place barrier in accessing customer information, collected in the cloud CRM.
Simple access: through a browser, without installing programs on your computer. Cloud CRM or online CRM eliminates the need to maintain installations on our computer or server, the infrastructure disappears.
No need for updates or maintenance stops.
Use from anywhere with an Internet connection, with a laptop, smartphone or any other device.
Complete security of our information. Security is the biggest advantage of Cloud CRM software.
Ease of use. This point is key in the case of efficy .
Low investment and constant expense each month, regardless of the workload (in the case of Cloud CRM, it is charged based on demand; in SaaS CRM, per user and/or per month).
No dependence on specialized labor in this CRM software.
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