Gamification popups

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Gamification popups

Post by shakil015 »

Gamification popups bring a sense of fun to your popups by encouraging visitors to “play.”

This type of popup features an interactive game like a lucky wheel or scratch card that gives shoppers a chance to win a discount. Visitors need to enter their email addresses to play.

Popup triggers
Pop-ups can also categorized based on triggers. This controls exactly when a pop-up should appear depending on your visitors’ site behavior.

There are many triggering options out there. Every mexico whatsapp number popup requires (at least) one trigger to be displayed. Otherwise, it won’t “know” when to “pop” up.


The most popular types of triggers are those used in entry popups and exit-intent popups.

Entry pop-ups (also known as welcome popups) appear immediately after a visitor lands on-site. They’re usually used to inform visitors of crucial information about sales and other discounts.

If you’d like to learn about welcome popups and how to boost their conversion rates, check out this video:

On the other hand, exit-intent popups are triggered when a visitor tries to leave your webpage. This happens when a visitor moves their mouse to the top right corner of the page to close it. Or, on mobile, scroll up quickly to access the “back” button.

Online stores usually use exit popups to prevent cart abandonment by offering a discount, a free shipping offer, or a simple reminder to complete their checkout process.

There are several other types of popup triggers. These include:

Scroll-based popups activate after a user has scrolled through a certain amount of your webpage.
On-click popups activate when a user clicks on a specific area of your webpage.
Time-based popups activate when a user has spent a certain amount of time on your webpage.
Benefits of using website popups
Using popups on your website or ecommerce store yields so many benefits. That’s because popups can help guide visitors through their customer journey in a logical and engaging manner.
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