Sales Reps Complain Leads Are Not Qualified

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Sales Reps Complain Leads Are Not Qualified

Post by seobd65 »

If your salespeople complain that leads are not qualified, listen to them.

If, for example, you’re sending all your leads directly to sales, many of them will not be qualified. Because salespeople are not equipped to nurture leads, such a process can result in a gaping hole in your pipeline. If you’re handing leads to sales that are well matched with your organization but are not yet in buying mode, you’re throwing them away.

Also, if you’re giving salespeople leads that are not good america cell phone number list matches, you’re wasting their time. If they pursue them, they have less time to work on the qualified opportunities.

The cure: Create a shared sales and marketing definition of an SQL and provide leads that adhere to its criteria. To help implement your lead qualification process, set up lead filtering rules and decide how to score your leads.

5 - Your Lead Information Is Inconsistent

Sales processes work best when you can duplicate them successfully again and again. When a salesperson receives a lead with critical information missing, it can slow them down or even bring them to a dead halt. He or she has to do something different to find the missing information. Given time constraints, he or she may decide to move on to the next opportunity.


The cure: Sales and marketing should work together to specify the data that qualified leads must always include.

6 - You Don’t Know How to Optimize the Sales Process

Do you know what your best lead sources are? Is it your website, webinars, events or referrals?
Do you know how you can increase conversions at each phase of the buying cycle?
If you don’t know the best lead sources or how to boost conversions, it’s difficult to improve your marketing and sales results.

The cure: Set up systems to measure, track and report on all aspects of your sales and marketing process. The information you gather will enable you to dial up success rates.
Do you see any of the signs described above in your business? If so, start working on the prescribed cures, and you’ll likely achieve increased sales.
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