Let's consider how to inspire trust at the level of user familiarization with the site, as well as techniques for live communication. It is important to understand: online and offline activities are like two wheels of the same bicycle. If at least one of them is square, you won't get far!
1. Avoid amateurism
An important principle is to delegate tasks to professionals whenever possible. You may think you are good at Photoshop, but that does not mean you will be able to develop a respectable design on your own. You may have won literary competitions behind you, but that does not mean you will be able to write effective text for the main page right away.
The work of an amateur and a professional differs greatly for an outside observer. Keep in mind that a typical online buyer studies the offers of several sites, comparing web resources with each other. If the development of competitors' sites was done by professionals, and yours was done by an amateur, then the chances of winning the trust of customers are significantly reduced.
2. Connect https
Having an SLL certificate helps to gain customer trust much better than a regular http.
If there is no certificate, the user sees the following warning:
It doesn't really encourage a trusting relationship, does it?
In turn, if you have a certificate, the picture changes dramatically:
The user's eye-pleasing dark green secure connection lock is complemented by the inscription "Secure connection".
3. Hire a proofreader
Make sure there are no typos or extra spaces. This is, without exaggeration, one of the most common "blunders" of companies on the Internet. After all, everyone is in a hurry, trying to do as much work as possible at a given time...
At the same time, typos can simply undermine trust in a company, especially in niches uk people whatsapp number where professionalism is determined by a scrupulous attitude to small details, for example:
repair of premium jewelry;
production of microcircuits, etc.
4. Use trust triggers
Don't neglect time-tested trust triggers. These include, in particular:
letters of thanks;
membership in professional associations;
certificates and other confirmations of employee qualifications;
awards for victories in professional competitions;
a review of the project by a famous and respected person;
an “About Us” page with photos of employees and a brief description of the company’s history;
appeal on behalf of the CEO on the website;
promise to return the money if something goes wrong;
the specified company registration data;
list of clients, among which are famous brands, see example below - our Customers.
It is not necessary to use all of the above techniques, but it is important to remember that they help to gain the trust of clients only in combination.