In addition to all the points that make you an egopreneur, according to Paul van den Bosch there are 3 pillars that are the most important to be able to start every day with new energy, namely:
Power supply
Make sure you sleep 7-8 hours every night. According to Paul, you need these hours to process the day, empty your brain and absorb new knowledge into your brain. There are people who say they turkey telegram data function well on fewer hours, but according to Paul they simply do not know how they would function if they slept more. In addition, it is important that you exercise enough. This reduces the impact of stress hormones, which helps you to relax. And it ensures that you have better resistance.
The author of the book also provides some reassurance: you don't necessarily have to exercise for this. For example, think about taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking during meetings or walking around the block during your break. Aim for 7,500-10,000 steps every day. Finally, pay attention to your diet. Eat as healthily as possible and avoid simple sugars (soft drinks, chocolate, pastries), choose carbohydrates rich in fiber, eat fruit, don't crash diet and drink as little alcohol as possible.
Benefits of Living as an Egopreneur
It probably sounds like a big task to really start living as an egopreneur. And of course there are many advantages to consider. You experience less stress, feel healthier and undoubtedly happier. But did you know that living as an egopreneur can have an impact of 25 years?
Paul van den Bosch outlines 3 lifelines in his book. In the worst case, you continue as a much too busy entrepreneur, who constantly goes beyond his limits. In that case, you have a chance of 'only' reaching the age of 75. An average entrepreneur, who is slightly less busy and experiences less stress, will reach the age of about 83. But a real egopreneur who chooses for himself, can reach the age of 90. That is a difference of 25 years in a human life!
You shouldn't expect to learn anything new in this book. See it more as a 'refresher'. I think that Paul is right with his tips and that if you follow his tips, you will actually feel better about yourself and become more resilient. But in the end, you really have to do it yourself...
he app economy is far from saturated, as shown by the latest figures from business intelligence company App Annie . An average of 3 hours per day is spent in apps. This is 50% more tha