Steve Olenski comes up with interesting additions on Forbes .
If you do humor right:
Does it attract attention?
People are more likely to share your content
However, if you don't do it right, then:
Do you come across as amateurish and unprofessional?
It seems like you just want to get attention
Are your ideas taken less seriously?
Can you insult people or groups?
Pitfalls of humor
These are pitfalls you should be aware of when using funny content:
Bad timing
Bad match with your brand or image
When a joke or meme is used, misunderstanding it
In an earlier Frankwatching article, Kelly Grötzinger writes that 'humor could actually prevent negative effects of resistance for brands. If you are a brand or company that people have an opinion about, this can work to your advantage. Whether it is positive or negative.'
Also keep a sharp eye on the target of your joke. In the program de Luizenmoeder the jokes were sometimes interpreted differently than intended, because this target was seen differently. In this Twitter thread Floor Bakhuys goes into this in more detail.
humor owl
When humor doesn't work
Humor is not always appropriate. vietnam telegram data Research by James Barry on humor in content marketing shows that it does not work well in industries where purchases are accompanied by a lot of emotion. Think of luxury items, intimate family moments or something like a funeral insurance. These are called red brands.
Then there are yellow brands: products that would be boring if there were no jokes involved. These are things that cost less, like snacks, beer and candy. White brands sell products or services with a technical, complicated story – often things that you need anyway, like insurance. Here humor can definitely help.
When humor is risky
The same study shows that stereotyping, pointing out differences and the category of incongruity humor (extreme irony, unexpected surprises or gross exaggerations) are risky for brands – even though they attract a lot of attention. This might only work in the yellow industry, although that is not certain yet. The risk is mainly that it is very difficult to repair your image after 'bad' humor.