Khaled Ali Resilient Leader: 7 Habits to

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Khaled Ali Resilient Leader: 7 Habits to

Post by mdhasan550 »

Become a More Adaptable Leader in Your Business The more adaptable your leadership skills become to become a resilient leader, the better you will be able to keep your business moving forward because you will remain calm in the midst of chaos.

You will see solutions that produce optimal results for your team and your business and will motivate your team to do their best work. What does it mean to be a resilient leader? How to be a flexible leader? Many job descriptions ask for someone who is both adaptable and flexible.

Sometimes people use the two words interchangeably – but there is a difference. Adaptability refers to how you adjust or modify yourself to fit a new situation. Flexibility is your willingness to do so. To illustrate, let’s say you lead a successful team that you see in the office every day.

Then the company merges with another company, blending your team with a group of people who work remotely. Your team may be working from different locations, but you still want everyone to be highly collaborative, innovative, and passionate about doing their best work, right? So you adapt by changing your processes, values, and leadership style to meet the needs of a hybrid workforce.

Why is adaptability important for leaders? Adaptability is important for leaders because inertia hampers careers and business growth. The Center for Creative Leadership has studied the career derailments of global telemarketing leads, egypt telephone number data executives since 1983. These were successful men and women who were fired, demoted, or had their careers stalled.

Research shows that “many executives who derail do so because they are unable or unwilling to adapt.” They’re not the only victims. The study also states that “if leaders don’t take into account their own and their subordinates’ adaptability, new initiatives may be stalled or stifled before they get a chance, or simply left to die.

” So, how do you become a resilient leader? According to the study, in North America, bosses, peers, and direct reports describe an adaptable leader as someone who: He deals with mistakes with balance and learns from them. Open to feedback and learns from it.

Confident and remains calm under pressure. A leader who lacks an adaptable leadership style is described as someone who: Avoids risk. He hates authority figures. Takes a defensive stance. Not open to diversity. Resists learning from mistakes.
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