This is important because AI cannot produce real-world experience like humans. This gives human content marketers an advantage and makes it important to have experts write or inform content.
“As you develop your content strategy, think about how to weave in evidence that the person writing or running your website has Expertise, First-Hand Experience, Authority, and Credibility so you trust them to be listened to,” says Lam.
What the experts say: Create a checklist of all the EEAT signals that matter to your business and grid them like a scorecard. Look at what your competitors are doing to build trust and authority. Then rate yourself against all the things your competitors are doing and determine how to improve.
Google makes changes all the time that affect your ability to get people directly on the search engine results page (SERP). Unfortunately, that’s out of your control. But you do have control over the user experience (UX).
“You can’t have slow page speed and saudi arabia telegram data poor user experience ” Lam concludes. “For every user who visits your site, you want to absolutely maximize your chances of converting them.”
What the experts say: Mozilla was able to increase conversions for Firefox by about 14% when it reduced load speeds by a second or two. By making small changes to your UX and page speed and focusing on conversion rates, you can make a big return.
4. PPC Trends
With such intense competition for clients, paid advertising offers companies a way to reach their target audience with relevant messaging. What makes the pay-per-click (PPC) model appealing is that marketers can control their spending and stick to a budget.
Surprisingly, the leader in this area is Google. Google’s Q3 2023 worldwide revenue came in at $76.7 billion, of which $59.6 billion came from Google advertising. This was a 9.5% increase year-on-year and reflects the demand for paid advertising.