Basic guide to computer security for Wordpress

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Basic guide to computer security for Wordpress

Post by rokassha.k.h@11 »

Wordpress is currently being literally “slaughtered” by daily attacks on the computer security of millions of websites created on this platform.

Although it is a secure CMS, being the most used in the world, there are many hackers trying to create malicious codes for Wordpress and trying to find holes in the code that would allow an external attacker to access the website or at least render it unusable for some time.

Although millions of sites are successfully attacked every day, it is very easy to protect yourself against external attacks and malware on WordPress. In fact, to protect your computer security, you only need to follow a series of rules that will allow you to secure a WordPress installation to the point of achieving 99.9% effective security.

Computer security in Wordpress
We are going to distinguish two types of computer security problems in Wordpress:

External attacks
These are attacks that come from external servers and colombia mobile phone numbers database that normally aim to make our site start consuming resources in an uncontrolled manner.

These types of attacks include DDOS attacks, brute force attacks or uncontrolled bots that saturate our website.

Malware and malicious code infections
In this case, these are files on our website (usually plugins and themes) that are infected and can cause significant damage, such as penalties from Google or SPAM being sent from our hosting server.

Typically, Wordpress computer security problems fall into these two types, although there can always be exceptions, but the probability is really low (for example: when the password is very simple and a visitor can manually access the website administration).
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