Learn how assisted conversion can help your business grow

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Learn how assisted conversion can help your business grow

Post by nurnobi40 »

In this article, we will help you understand how to use assisted conversion in Google Analytics to boost your business.

Image shows social media connections.

You've certainly heard about assisted conversions. In Universal Analytics (Google Analytics) we have a specific report for this, located in Conversions -> Multi-Channel Funnel -> Assisted Conversions , where you can understand and interpret how a channel helped in the final conversion of your website.

But before that, do you really know what assisted conversion is? Assisted conversion is nothing more than which channel(s) your user had contact with before converting, that is, what contribution that channel made to the final conversion.

Still don't get it? Let's go... Imagine you were browsing Facebook and came across an ad for a black shirt just the way you wanted it! You went to the website, saw the price, but "let honduras phone number data it go" for the moment. The next day you decided to search for the black shirt on Google and clicked on a Google Shopping ad. You thought about it and bought the shirt. Whose final conversion was it?

According to the standard Google Analytics Universal attribution model, Google Shopping was responsible for the conversion, since the standard attribution model is the last non-direct click.

But Facebook Ads was the one that gave you that “taste” of wanting the shirt, right? So we say that he helped Google Shopping in the purchase!

Understanding the Google Analytics Assisted Conversion Report

1. The first thing you should do when you open the report in Google Analytics, in addition to entering the desired period, is to change the conversion type (otherwise the default will be all and it will be quite confusing to understand).

Print Screen of a Google Analytics Master View page.
Source: Google Analytics Master View

2. The second tip, within the tool itself, is instead of leaving the MCF channel group, click on Source/Media.

Print Screen Google Analytics Master View
Source: Google Analytics Master View

3. Once this is done, the report shows exactly which channels helped in the final conversion. In the example in the figure below, we see that the one that brought the most “help” was direct, which in the period of one week brought more than 2 thousand assistances with more than 42 thousand dollars in revenue (which it did not bring directly, but it helped).
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