This allows us to recommend a Demandbase solution and provide an estimated price buyers can take back to their buying group to plan their budgets. We believe strongly in making sure buyers find out as much about Demandbase as possible, either self-serve here on our website or via our value-oriented selling team. We’ll continue to produce content like our pricing estimator tool to provide more resources for buyer research. Check out some of our currently available resources today and keep coming back to see what’s new in the future! 1 Gartner, Increase Buyer Engagement by Deploying 3 Prospecting Fundamentals, Alyssa Cruz, Shiela Rahimian, Dan Gottlieb, January 4, 2023.
Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved.I’ve been talking to a lot of go-to-market india phone data leaders lately, and one quote has haunted me, and this is not a Halloween pun or joke, knowing that I recorded this shortly after Halloween, but it was: “I don’t ever want sales to ask where these accounts came from.” If sales is asking us where an account came from and we can’t answer that with the technology we’re using, then we’re screwed.
If sales doesn’t trust you, it’s not a good place to be. And that’s one thing at Demandbase we pride ourselves on. When we talk about flexibility or transparency, it’s making sure that we work for your business and that we understand your business and empower you to build trust between sales and marketing. ONE, just one, person on your team that loses trust brings down the overall trust rating for the entire team by 32 percentile points. That is mind-boggling. The study included over 60,000 employees and just one person losing trust can sink the entire team.