for any company. After all, retaining an old customer is cheaper than acquiring a new one. That's why customer success departments are increasingly growing, becoming essential for organizations. But how do you retain your agency's customers?
That’s what you’ll see in this post. Keep reading, find out why customer loyalty is so important and some tips on how to do it.
Why is customer loyalty so important?
In addition to being efficient from a financial point of view, customer loyalty is essential for several other reasons, directly affecting the business results. Firstly, spontaneous and genuine recommendations are still one of the main motivators for the purchase decision. Bringing this into the context of the agency, the importance is even greater.
The impact on the financial management of the business is also huge. Clients will always need the agency's work and the more loyal they are, the greater the chance of you earning recurring and predictable income. Your agency's working capital and cash flow will thank you.
How to retain agency customers?
Of course, having a good service is essential. In your agency, it is the quality of importance of our job seeker directory in hiring the pieces and campaigns produced for clients. However, in such a competitive market and with such a demanding audience, this is not enough. It is necessary to always add value to the agency, to ensure loyalty. Check out 7 tips on how to do this.
1. Create a unique experience
As a marketing professional and part of an agency, you certainly know the importance of customer experience. So the first step is to apply this principle to your own audience. In fact, this is one way that clients evaluate the agency’s capabilities.
There are several ways to provide unique experiences, depending on the audience profile. Some ideas, such as personalized gifts, exclusive service, participation in events, visits and personal presentations, are always good.
2. Understand customer needs
To truly build customer loyalty, you need to understand them. Try to learn everything about them, their needs, and the market they operate in. Remember, an agency is not hired just to do what the client tells them to do. The goal is to be proactive and help you do the best for your business.
On the other hand, there is a risk of falling into the trap of not listening to the customer. Of course, you probably know more about marketing than they do, and if they want to do a certain action that you don't agree with, you need to show them why it wouldn't work. Listen carefully to the customer to understand what they want.
3. Invest in team training
The quality of the marketing team is directly proportional to the quality of the work delivered. Therefore, there should be no limit to investment. Prepare employees in terms of both customer service and production and ensure that they are up to date with all the latest developments in the world of marketing.
Ideally, the professional should be well trained and perfectly capable of dealing with the client independently. In addition to each employee being a reflection of your agency, this also allows for greater agility when meeting your demands.
4. Provide personalized service
Since communication is essential to any relationship, personalized service is a top priority. The client needs to feel unique, as if they receive the agency’s full attention, even if that is not the case. Of course, this is not always possible, and managers need to make decisions about which client deserves more focus.