The materials chosen greatly affect the value that will be received by the user, and this can also affect our brand value. Carefully study the selected material to ensure it is suitable for our product. Make sure to choose quality, comfortable and safe materials . 5. PRICING MATERIAL Pricing material, need to be compared from the supplier as well. This will affect the determination of the price you want to put, and its suitability to the target market as well. Carefully study the cost of materials and look at the market price. Make sure our selling price can cover costs and provide profit to the business.
don't let the company lose money! 6. BUSINESS CAPITAL Capital capability.. This job seekers database fabric capital, usually hit the beginning, and also requires large capital for rolling business. If you get credit from the supplier, from the tailor, it is indeed a win la.. This is based on our ability or track record of selling as well, and the track record of transactions with suppliers. Some founders need external funding to support this capital. This needs to be carefully calculated. If you're not good at managing capital, it could be a big problem later! 7.
PRODUCT TIMEFRAME The product timeframe, or product life cycle based on seasons , based on trends, based on market saturation, also needs to be studied. One wrong move, the product can no longer be sold! Fashion has to be designed according to the season. If it's the Raya season.. you can design Raya elements. If it's the Ramadhan season.. you can design Ramadhan elements. But after the season is over, the design is not as fast. So we have to keep up with the current trends! 8. PRODUCT DESIGN Design.
Be careful not to play with cheap prices
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- Joined: Mon Dec 23, 2024 7:07 am