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Premium plan starts at $6.99 per month.

Post by batasakas »

Animals in space
In early September 1968, flies, worms, bacteria, and plants were sent into space aboard the Soviet spacecraft Zond-5. But the main space travelers turned out to be two unnamed turtles. The researchers wanted to find out how approaching the Moon affects living organisms. Before going into space, the amphibian creatures did not eat anything. In total, they spent 39 days without food. After returning to Earth, scientists found out that all the changes in their organisms occurred due to starvation, and space conditions did not affect them. This is a rather cruel experiment, because the animals were essentially starved to death. Unfortunately, such experiments with turtles were carried out several more times.

Freedom (Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android, Chrome)
Most blockers only work on one device. Freedom simultaneously restricts access to distracting sites and apps on all your devices.

To do this, set up a list of prohibited resources, then start or schedule a session. The app has a lockdown mode, meaning the list cannot be edited during the session. It also allows you to include special audio tracks for concentration, such as background noise from a coffee shop or sounds of nature.

The downside is that there is no free version. There is only a australia number data limited trial period of six sessions available. This should be enough to see if this tool is right for you.

Serene (macOS)
It's not just a blocker: it's a productivity system built around periods of deep concentration. The user also needs to prepare a list of distracting sites and apps. But that's not all.

The app is built around planning your day. You specify how many tasks you need to complete and how long it will take. Then you press the Go Serene button and start the timer.

Moon trees
In the second half of the 20th century, scientists sent both animals and plants into space. In 1971, during the Apollo 14 mission, a cargo containing 500 seeds flew into space with astronauts. But no one was going to plant them on the lunar surface. The seeds simply went into space because scientists wanted to find out whether the trees that would grow from seeds that had been in space would be any different from those whose seeds had never left Earth. The so-called Moon trees were planted in different parts of our planet, and the exact geographical location of most of them is unknown.
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