- So the computer was hacked in advance. Take care of it

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- So the computer was hacked in advance. Take care of it

Post by Rakhirandiseo »

— Chief! This recording is posted on the DarkWeb and is gaining more and more views. It is posted on a special server where videos with real murders and violence are posted. They pay money for watching it, and not a small amount. So we can say that this murder was committed for the purpose of making money.

- Wait, but the killer couldn’t say: “Wait, I’ll turn on the camera, and then I’ll kill you!”

- Of course not.

- Fine.

Two hours passed.

- Boss, the computer wasn't hacked.

- What? Then who turned on the video?

— Apparently, the video was turned on remotely. This norway whatsapp data is serviced by the company M. They provide technical support.

- We'll have to go to that company and find out who was working on that computer. Call the police and bring in the person who did it.

The next day, the police commissioner personally came to the department of intellectual crimes to thank Karl for his good work. As it turned out, the video recording software was installed remotely by a technical support specialist from firm M. He had long been involved in illegal video recording, selling films on the Dark Web. Previously, it was mainly home pornography, and when this began to bring in little money, he persuaded his friend to sell murders.

A grim story. The conclusion to be drawn is quite simple. Trusting technical support, still watch what is installed for you. Learn! Otherwise, you can easily be deceived...
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Re: - So the computer was hacked in advance. Take care of it

Post by xylanth »

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