rch Console , a free tool to know

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rch Console , a free tool to know

Post by siyam12 »

all the searches that activate a website in the SERP. For example, we can know what words people type to find our articles or product sheets online.
Finally, the entire universe of the Google search engine, the most used in Italy. The results of the search pages, the most frequently asked questions, related searches, Google's automatic completion. All functions that nourish our creativity, starting from very specific insights.
How does an SEO copywriter collaborate with those who deal with technical SEO?
The work of the SEO Specialist and the SEO Copywriter are complementary.

The first one looks at the technical aspects of a website. It optimizes the URLs, the multimedia elements, creates a taxonomy for the blog, searches for keywords relevant to the brand objectives. In short, it maneuvers the structure from the control room.

The second works on the contents starting from Panama Phone Numbers the SEO Specialist's evaluations. It often happens that he is the one to design a blog editorial plan and to provide the keywords on which the SEO Copywriter will have to work. Or that he traces the path for writing the product sheets.

It is a synergy between figures that complement each other and, in completing themselves, accompany the client to the center of their objectives.

How to become a SEO copywriter?
You become an SEO copywriter by training, writing, observing others, trying, making mistakes and trying again. I believe that practice is the path that leads to true competence, but it must obviously be accompanied by study, otherwise you risk proceeding blindly.


I recommend taking structured training courses, with study plans lasting many hours, preferably held by industry professionals who have turned to teaching. What their experience teaches is priceless.

An example is the Copy42 TECH course by Pennamontata, where I was a student first and then a tutor. Here I was lucky enough to study with professionals like Gianluca Fiorelli, Laura Copelli and Tatiana Schirinzi. Three very good SEOs accredited at an international level.

Tips: Discover Copywriting Books

So writing for a digital project is not as simple as filling out a ChatGPT prompt.

The pleasure of reading good content comes from the professional who loves to delve into people's needs, trying to empathize with them during the search, something that is difficult for a machine to do.

And do you think of SEO writing as
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