Protecting information when printing documents

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Protecting information when printing documents

Post by Rakhirandiseo »

Ensuring information security in organizations with network centralized printing of documents includes a whole range of tasks - ensuring confidentiality of information, integrity, accounting of documents at all stages of the printing process, including sending from personal computers, ensuring secure processing and formation of a print job, ensuring secure delivery of a job to a network printer. The information security market offers a wide range of information security products and technologies, including encryption of documents before sending for printing; storing images of printed documents in the printer memory in encrypted form until the moment of printing; delimitation of access to printers on a personal basis; printing a document only after its initiator has authenticated locally; guaranteed deletion of copies of documents from printers after they have been printed; centralized registration of printing events and storing electronic copies of printed documents in a database for analysis and audit purposes.

However, the use of one or more of the listed solutions and technologies in an organization does not mean that the problem of protecting information when printing in a corporate environment is completely solved.

In addition to protecting the printing process, other tasks morocco whatsapp data be solved — first of all, controlling access to printers to exclude and track attempts at unauthorized document printing — for example, when a user prints documents as a result of unauthorized access to information, exceeding their official powers, or following a mistake by other employees. Another case: printing documents in Home Office mode, on personal equipment, or in the office on uncontrolled local or network printers.
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Re: Protecting information when printing documents

Post by xylanth »

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