It has been around since 2011, so it already has several years of experience, in addition to the joint effort of several programmers who contribute their knowledge to improve the platform. Although its functions go beyond telegram data marketing, a company specialized in web development can use this project as a starting point to take its first steps in this trend. It will be a matter of designing a usage plan and starting to layout the software.
5. FlowXo
This provider allows you to build, host, and manage bots on a single platform. Unlike ChatScript, you don't need to know any code to get started with FlowXo. They offer software to entertain, inform, assist, gather information, and filter leads—all in one, as the customer wishes. It's even possible to accept payments through the chatbot.
We have reviewed some of the main players in the chatbot industry. Of course, choosing a local provider will always be better, due to their proximity and knowledge of the industry, making it easier to implement a tailored solution.