Example description of companies, i.e. "About the company" / "About us" - how to write it to encourage customers to cooperate?
How to write "About Us" / "About the Company"? Ideally in an original way, maintaining authenticity, explaining the customer's objections and encouraging the sale. Check out how to use the company description to increase sales. Find out why this text is so important.
Let's do a little test. Imagine that you are looking for a service or product provider for yourself or your company. You type the company name into a search engine and go to its website. In addition to looking at the offer, customers most often check your "About us" / "About the company" text. You probably want to use this potential too. Do you know how to write content that is attractive to recipients? In the rest of the article you will find a handful of practical tips to use "right now".
Another fun game. Type into the search engine: "In macedonia telemarketing list order to meet the expectations of our customers, we offer high-quality services at an attractive price." By the way - did you smile after reading this sentence? Or maybe, dear readers, do you have such a slogan in your company descriptions? If not, you can breathe a sigh of relief.
About us
Wait, wait. Maybe let's check out these too:
high quality at a low price;
tailor-made offer;
dedicated solutions;
our company has many years of experience in the market;
we meet the expectations of our customers.
Familiar phrases? Congratulations! You've earned the Captain Bomb badge.
captain bomb
The badge is as useless as the examples cited above. Sure, they had their moments of fame and had a genuine effect on customers. However, their popularity has made them "clichéd" and commonplace, and therefore ineffective.
Company description – how to write it so that it doesn’t sound stiff and formal?
No one likes reading an instruction manual. If you want the “human face of the company” to look like this, then I think we need to work on our appearance. The so-called conversational style like this one will help with that. I’m reaching out to you, suggesting where there are areas for improvement and what’s worth doing. Finally, I encourage you to take action → Take advantage of our marketing consultations. Your competition praises them. Find out why.
How NOT to write “About Us”?
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