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What can decide about it?

Post by mstlucky8072 »

traffic acquisition sources
scale of movement
shipping costs
offered delivery methods
order processing time
page loading time
...and many more
What is a good conversion rate?
You are probably wondering about this question and would like to get a numerical answer. However, it is not possible to give a clear answer because the conversion rate depends largely on the industry and the type of conversion. For example, we will require a much higher conversion rate for the contact goal from a website offering taxi services than from an online store.

How to improve your score?
Website optimization (speed, aesthetics, content),
SEO (improving positioning for well-converting keywords),
building trust (ensuring a large number of positive reviews),
matching the product to the expectations of potential customers,
detailed product descriptions,
…and dozens of other activities.
The goal of conversion optimization is to get your website traffic into as many sales/form submissions/whatever your business goal is.

Conversion optimization is an ongoing process. It consists of several stages:

Analytics configuration,
Qualitative and quantitative analysis of user behavior,
Developing hypotheses for A/B test configuration (proposals for changes on the website),
Implementing and testing changes to the website using A/B testing,
Analysis of the obtained results - if the tested version of the page increased the conversion in comparison to the original, it should be implemented permanently,
Back to the beginning of the process.
Above, you may have come across a term that is not clear to you: "A/B testing". So what is an A/B test?

An A/B test is the process of comparing two versions moj database of a web page with only one element changed. For example, if you were testing a change to the header, you would create two versions of the same page with only the header changed. It is very important for an A/B test to make any sense, the page must have a significant monthly traffic. Such a test should also last no less than 2 weeks. One of the most well-known tools for conducting A/B tests is Google Optimize.


The simplest A/B test consists of 2 variants of a given subpage and the traffic is divided 50% to a given variant. We set the conversion we are interested in, which we want to measure, and after some time we will receive statistics on how a given conversion worked on the original page and on the changed page. Such a test will show which version turned out to be more popular among recipients based on specific data, such as conversion rate or time spent on the page.

An example of the simplest A/B test

An example of the simplest A/B test.

Below is an example of what an A/B test might look like for a changed color of the “contact” button:

First original variant in A/B test

First original variant in A/B test.

The second changed variant in the A/B test

The second changed variant in the A/B test.

We can check whether changing the color of the button will increase its clickability.

In the above article, I answered the following questions: What is a conversion? What are the types of conversions? What is a conversion rate? How to create and read a conversion? How can you try to increase conversions? I think that thanks to this article, I convinced you that measuring conversions on your website is very important from the point of view of the entire process of acquiring customers through a website. Conversions allow you to understand the behavior of users on the website and draw appropriate conclusions, which will allow you to optimize a given part of the page for the better using analysis.
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