We tell you which professional profiles every Smarketing team should have in order to maximize revenue.
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Build a Smarketing dream team within your organization.
We know that Smarketing shareholder database package consists of integrating the Sales team with the Marketing team so that they work hand in hand to achieve the same objectives, but what does a Smarketing team that really works towards results really look like ? What types of talent does it have? Only salespeople and marketers? The answer is NO.
Learn about the State of Smarketing in Peru, the 1st Report on the alignment of Marketing and Sales areas.
To form the Smarketing dream team within your organization, you need specific profiles that come from both areas, that fulfill specific roles but that complement each other in order to
1. Not overlap their functions
2. Achieve objectives more efficiently.
These are some of the positions that should be filled:
1. Database administrator
Both Sales and Marketing have huge databases to work with. This person is in charge of unifying all the databases in a single CRM, making a correct segmentation and updating the contact information of the leads. In turn, these people are in charge of interpreting the data and being able to find valuable insights for the marketing and sales team to reorient their strategy - or continue with what they have been doing - to achieve their specific objective.
Build your Smarketing team with these 6 professional profiles (4)
state of smarketing in peru
2. Technology Manager
Automation technology and marketing automation tools are very powerful, but they require professionals who know the system very well in order not to waste all its functions. They are responsible for crossing leads with their digital behaviors (blog, social media, downloads) at each stage of the funnel and being able to work on a strategy of continuous improvement, adapting to new functions and market trends.
Build your Smarketing team with these 6 professional profiles (6)
3. Content Manager
A content coordinator who works with Marketing and Sales to identify their content needs and delegate their development to the editors represents a key piece and is part of the talent that Smarketing teams must have.
This function is executed for all communication channels to guarantee exclusive and quality content at all stages of the funnel . In addition, it can be directed towards the creation of exclusive content for sales executives to use in response to the frequent doubts of their potential clients.
Build your Smarketing team with these 6 professional profiles (5)
4. Account Executives
Of course, you need professional talent in your sales process. But within this universe there is a specific profile that becomes indispensable: that salesperson who knows how to close. When you put the right profile in front of a lead that is almost ready to buy, you can assume that the deal will be closed. But if the salesperson lacks the “closing” ability, you put the operation at risk.
It is essential to have professionals who are results-oriented, but who can also ask questions to help give context to that lead. Are they part of the business's buyer personas? Have they previously interacted with us on social media? Are they interested in a particular product or service?
Build your Smarketing team with these 6 professional profiles (3)
5. Customer Manager
This profile is a talent expert in your clients, they know them, understand them, analyze their behavior, extract insights that can be used to capture more leads but, most importantly, they are in charge of taking care of your closed clients by building a relationship of trust to turn them into brand ambassadors. This is a function that is usually relegated but key to the growth of any company. Let us always remember this: our satisfied clients are better sellers and marketers than we are.
Build your Smarketing team with these 6 professional profiles
6. Smarketing Leader
Depending on the size of the organization, the Sales and Marketing team may have a VP or CEO who is involved and leads the Smarketing process. Having a visible face, with enough authority to make decisions and speed up some processes can be the difference between a successful Smarketing team and one that is adrift.
Obviously, the number and specificity of the profiles will depend on each company, but in general terms, an ideal Smarketing team has these main positions. There are other more operational roles that will also contribute to the execution of the strategies, but this structure will give you an idea of where to start merging the departments.
Build your Smarketing team with these 6 professional profiles
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