3 Pop-Up examples to get more leads

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3 Pop-Up examples to get more leads

Post by bitheerani22010 »

Many people may think that pop-ups can be a bit annoying, but I have news for you. THEY WORK and they work very well.

That is why it is very important that you use them and apply them in your landing pages to generate more leads.

A pop-up, also known as a pop-up window, is basically any type of window that adds value to your landing page. These are activated depending on the action you take on the landing page.

Many times a pop-up can be activated at a certain time, or when belize phone number library user tries to exit it can appear, also when you scroll down, in short, there are quite a few options.


But really, pop-ups are a good strategy when you want to capture the user's attention.

That's why I'll give you 3 examples of Pop-Pop-us to get more leads, when and how to use them:

Exit pop up popup
A well-made exit pop-up can increase your chances of getting leads by up to 600% more, yes! It's incredible, but if the message is eye-catching enough and the offer is good, you can have a good chance.

A good example I show you is from Wishpond , this popup appears when you try to leave a blog post .

If you pay attention, the message is encouraging people to create their own Pop-ups with Wishpond's Pop-up tool.

Timed pop up
Timed pop-ups are those windows that you see at a certain time, they appear when you may have a few seconds inside the landing page.

These types of popups are actually pretty cool, because the message appears within a certain amount of time, meaning that if a user has been on your site for maybe 30 seconds or more, they are probably interested in what they are viewing.

There are currently several providers of this type of pop-up that allow you to set the time you consider convenient for it to appear.
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