What is Google My Business?

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What is Google My Business?

Post by jk9686678 »

How to publish a post on Google My Business?
Here are the steps to create a post on your Google My Business account:

In your Google My Business homepage, click on “ create a post ”
select the post template (news, event, offer, product)
Import a photo or video
Fill in the information (title, description, price, dates etc.)
Choose your call to action type (sign up, buy, etc.)
Add a link to the page of your choice
Note that you will be able to access your post's statistics two to three days after publication, the time it takes for Google to collect data relating to the number of views and clicks on your post.

If you'd like to see more examples of Google My Business posts, you might find Google's description helpful or an article about the latest Live View feature .4. In the window that appears, select all the columns you want america whatsapp number to display on your Google Adwords interface.


5. Drag and drop the columns in the order you want them to appear in your statistics table. We suggest placing your performance columns first, followed by your conversion columns. More specifically, here is the column order we recommend for the most intuitive analysis possible:

choose your columns to facilitate adwords management

6. If you wish, you can save your set of columns in order to reuse it later. Simply check the box provided for this purpose, just above the “apply” button. You can then name your set in order to find it more easily.

How to save a set of columns in the Google Adwords interface
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