The reason is that this program saves energy and water

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The reason is that this program saves energy and water

Post by pappu865 »

According to a calculator from the Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU), in which we have added variables such as the number of cycles per week (seven), the frequency of use (seven times a week) and the energy class:

A class A dishwasher used seven times a week has an energy consumption of 0.49 kWh per cycle . The energy consumption per year is 179 kWh , equivalent to 46 euros in electricity costs.
In category G , however , energy consumption can reach 1.11 kWh/cycle and 292 kWh per year . The cost of electricity is therefore 104 euros .

Fill it completely
The University of Bonn study we mentioned earlier also concludes that 20% of dishwasher cycles are run with the baskets half full . And it reminds us that if we want to be more energy efficient, that is not the best option.

If your dishwasher is half empty and you need to run it, use the “half load” function.

Adjust the temperature
As with other household appliances such as washing machines, dishwashers use a lot of energy to heat water. The truth is that you don't always need very high water temperatures; it all depends on the type of dishes and how dirty they are.

In addition, some models include sensors that detect phone number list the amount of dirt in the evacuated water and indicate whether it is necessary to increase the temperature. If you already know that the water does not need to be too hot, it is best to set the washing temperature to 40 °C before starting the appliance.

Choose an ECO program
If you still doubt the efficiency of the ECO program, studies such as those carried out by the OCU make it clear: the electricity bill can be reduced by 20.1% with this option. It also uses 16% less water.


Did you know that ECO stands for economic and not ecological? . In any case, this also makes it good for the environment. If you want to further enhance sustainability in your home , remember to use biodegradable products and to fully load the dishwasher.

Drying the dishes
Most dishwashers offer the option of air drying without heating the dishes. According to the German study cited above, that can add up to a saving of 0.2 kWh per cycle . You might not think that's much, but if you're looking for ways to save on your electricity bill, it all adds up. If you don't have this option, you can always stop the wash before the drying cycle and then simply open the door to air dry the dishes.
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