There has been a lot of discussion about voting during the Eurovision Song Contest in recent years, because psychology plays a big role unconsciously. We choose our favorite mainly emotionally and unconsciously, instead of rationally and consciously.
Researchers have previously concluded that we prefer to choose an act that is close to our own culture. We also choose countries that are geographically close or that have other similarities with us (e.g. based on religion or language).
Probably all for the same reason: we know it or it sounds familiar. It is also the reason that most countries choose the English language, because most music in Europe is sung in English.
Professional judges are less susceptible to influence
A study by three Dutch professors shows that iran telegram data expert jury members are less influenced by the shortcuts in our brain. With a jury, the judging is therefore fairer and the acts in the final that were not yet known also get their deserved number of points.
5 tips to win the Eurovision Song Contest
Now suppose you ever want to participate in the Eurovision Song Contest, then of course you also want to win. Here are 5 tips so that the Mere Exposure Effect can do its work to the maximum so that the win comes a little closer:
Be highly visible and audible abroad prior to the broadcast
Choose a song with recognizable tones, a recognizable language and a recognizable title
Choose an artist name that is easy to pronounce
Also seek out the cameras when you are not on stage (but do it inconspicuously…)
Bonus tip: if you really can't sing, make sure you have a good backing choir. At least you'll still provide some spectacle
Let's see who wins this year.