Graduate in Business Administration, Master's in CRM, member of the College of Economists of Madrid and Member of the Sage Expert Program.
Your time management skills are the most necessary skills you need to enhance as a person running a business. That is why, in this article, we are going to talk about how the Eisenhower Matrix can help you gain time by increasing the stock of your most valuable asset.
In addition, I am going to give you a couple of tools to change the way you organize yourself and use your time to do those things that are really important, forgetting about the rest.
Think for a moment about your daily life. Have any of these thoughts ever crossed your mind?
I can't take it anymore, today's discussion on this matter has left me completely worn out, maybe it's time to give up.
Every day I end up getting home at 10pm, with almost no desire to eat dinner, to throw myself down on the couch in a bad mood to see if I can disconnect from my business.
I have almost no life. In fact, I can't remember the last time I spent an afternoon with my children, enjoying themselves. I can't even remember. There's always something to do.
Today I almost had a disaster. I was talking on my cell phone while driving, without the “hands-free” and I almost ran over a couple at a zebra crossing. Just because I was in a armenia email list 105644 contact leads hurry. Because of the urgency. Because of trying to get everything done.
I have what I have. And the pressure is getting to me. I almost sometimes think that I would like to have fewer clients than I have, or sell less so I can live more peacefully. I need a change in my life or at least learn how to make a business out of what I have in my hands.
This is the speech of a person overwhelmed by his business. Does it sound familiar to you? I'm sure it does, since these are phrases that many of my clients have told me throughout my collaborations with them.
Having a business is expensive
If you own your own business , you know that it is expensive. So expensive that sometimes you wonder if it is really worth it.
And it's a shame to have this thought when you like what you do, when you know you're good at it, and when your clients love you precisely for this.
Most of all, it's sad when you know that with changes in HOW you do things , your life would improve a lot.
But it is difficult to change if you do not know how to do it or have time to evolve.
I show you a diabolical spiral:
My business stresses me out, it overwhelms me, I don't have time for anything, not even to think about how to change it. Since I don't think about it, I don't change, and since I don't change, my business continues to stress me out.
So day after day, week after week, month after month. Until you retire (if you are lucky enough). Do you think this is the best plan for your future?
Don't you think it would be better to enjoy your business, with tension but without stress, and look to the future with hope? Growing personally and professionally at the same time as your business does?
Taking control: this is the first step
And don't leave it for tomorrow. Start now , right after you finish reading this article. Start now, grab a pen and paper and start writing about what I'm going to tell you. I want to help you focus on what's really important , prioritizing tasks and identifying key activities.
Think of the pilot of an airplane: he doesn't attend to passengers, he doesn't refuel, he doesn't turn on the runway lights. All of these are important tasks for flying. But THEY ARE NOT DONE BY THE PILOT. If the pilot did them, there would be no commercial air travel.
Get one thing straight: you are the person who runs your business . You are not the stewardess, you are not the mechanic, you are not the operator. You are the pilot. Start acting like a pilot . If you don't know how, start by reading (I'll give it to you for free) the first chapter of my book The CebC Method, the five-level path that will help you regain control of your company.
To take control you need to improve your productivity
A simple and effective way to know how to improve your productivity is to answer these 7 questions for each task you carry out (you can use the pencil I mentioned earlier). Answering these questions, especially for those tasks that take more time, will allow you to apply a continuous improvement methodology to optimize your time.