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Can I find an affordable web designer?

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 6:27 am
by Bappy8
As a good businessman or businesswoman, the first thing you ask yourself is if you can find a web designer at an affordable price.

After thinking about it for a long time, analyzing different factors and considering budgets, you may have come to the conclusion that it is time to start that web project. Here we will look at some details on why this is not so easy and what is at stake when you decide to focus too much on price for any type of web development your company needs.

Can I find an affordable web designer? 3 points to consider.
Why is it so expensive to create a website?
The first thing that usually jumps out at a quote for creating a complete we colombia business email list bsite is the final price. “Why so expensive?” is the question that everyone who receives a quote for the first time usually asks. And yes, I don’t doubt that there are some cases where some of these prices can be a bit inflated, but the reality is that creating a complete site from scratch is a huge undertaking, no matter how small it is.


First of all, there is the technical part that involves the purchase of the domain and the hosting service on which it will be hosted, where, the larger the site is and the more traffic it receives monthly, the more expensive the latter will be. Then we move on to the process of creating the site itself. Here it is usually divided into different areas:

Design: The “look” of the site as a whole and for each and every individual page is created, i.e. how it will appear on users’ final screens.
Development: This look is “put together” at the programming level using special programs that generate code. In this part of the process, it is verified that it can be viewed perfectly on all possible screens and operating systems to ensure maximum impact.
Programming: Once the site is developed, we proceed to do the “magic” so that all the pieces work correctly, establishing communication with databases and servers through programming languages ​​such as MySQL and PHP.
Testing: Finally, an extensive testing period where all those small details are polished until the navigation and user experience is perfect.
Is all this done by just one person?
Yes and no. Of course, a single web designer can take on such a titanic task, but this has a significant impact, since each person usually has a different area of ​​expertise, and in the web field, being a jack of all trades is complicated, although not impossible. Typically, many digital agencies consist of a group of various designers and programmers to bring these types of sites to life and maintain them. Obviously, trying to recruit a team of this kind is a bit more expensive than if you go to a single professional, but you can have some advantages in terms of support through the agency itself, since even staff turnover is not something that can affect you and your project will always have priority.

What is the best way to find a web designer or digital agency?
There are several ways, but I think the safest are two different sites: LinkedIn and The first is a social network of professionals of all kinds, where you can see their resume and previous work, as well as check out some publications in your news feed. The second is the largest compendium of digital portfolios of creative professionals, where the first thing that appears is the person's work beyond their credentials. Both have contact methods that can help you make the first quotes, just keep one thing in mind: in web design (and in general in any type of design) you can't have the "three B's" (good, pretty and cheap) at the same time. You should always decide on two.

As you've seen, finding an affordable web designer to do your next project for your company is a real gamble that can end up pretty bad. What may seem extremely simple because you can see it in a matter of a few seconds and use your fingers a couple of times to navigate it in its entirety, actually consists of countless hours of programming, design, development, testing, bug fixing and more small details that make a website something extremely complex.

Please try not to become “that client” and evaluate whether the quote you are being given really reflects what the project is worth by making several comparisons instead of immediately looking for a discount. In the design field, and especially in the web, what you pay is usually what you get, so you need to find the perfect balance between working with a professional at a fair price and with a great result.