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Discover how to do a good Cohort analysis to understand your consumers

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 6:40 am
by Abdur8
Cohort analysis is a tool for working with important data that allows for timely insights into the company's consumers. Based on this analysis, decisions can be made with a better database.

Metrics relating to a company's activity are important information for understanding the company's performance.

It is possible to analyse data from different customers and, among those numbers, you can find patterns of consumer behaviour. This helps to segment groups, which makes Cohort Analysis possible.

In new business models, fully adapted to digital and often dominican republic email list 556912 contact leads acting only in this environment, data helps to understand the relationship with the consumer to improve Marketing actions .

Through this segmentation, customers can be placed into different groups. From this, the company is able to develop more efficient retention strategies.

In this article we will talk about Cohort Analysis and what it is. Find out how it can be used and understand this work with data in more detail!

What is Cohort Analysis?
Cohort is a term used to classify a group of people with identical behaviors within a given setting.

In this case, we are talking about the relationship between consumers and a business, that is, the Cohort is what will segment those people within a selection. In this case, these different groups will be formed from two basic characteristics in common:

the performance of a certain action;
the performance of that action in the same period;
From this, groups are created and these can be observed continuously thanks to the practice called Cohort Analysis.


The proposal is simple and consists of making that cut to understand, in detail, how these people behave.

When faced with a large volume of data, segmentation is what will allow working with data to be increasingly precise and strategic.

Characteristics of Cohort Analysis
Greater detail in data analysis
Today, a company that does not store, structure and analyze its data on a daily basis is missing out on opportunities to understand its business in depth.

Therefore, even knowing how to use that information, the volume of data generated and analyzed daily is very large.