Types of Genetic Material Patents Isolated Gene Sequences Synthetic Genes Gene Therapies and CRISPR Technology II. Ethics 1. Moral and Philosophical Perspectives The Natural vs. Artificial Debate Arguments for and against the data phone number Commercialization of Life Perspectives from Different Ethical Frameworks 2. Impact on Research and Innovation Encouraging Innovation and Investment Potential Obstacle to Scientific Research and Open Access to Genetic Information The Balance Between Commercial Interests and the Public Interest 3.
Access and Equity Issues Accessibility of Patented Genetic Tests and Therapies The Impact on Inequalities in Healthcare and Global Equity Case Studies: Myriad Genetics' BRCA1 and BRCA2 Patents 4. Patient Rights and Informed Consent Ethical Implications for Patients Who Have Patented Genes Issuance of Consent and Ownership of Genetic Material The Role of Biobanks and Genetic Data Privacy III.