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KAIZEN in the office and on devices

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2024 4:49 am
by Aklima@42
Japanese culture has always had a special influence on me. The refined aesthetics and delicate elegance that Japanese culture applies is truly amazing in my opinion.

Japanese gastronomy pays attention to the seasonality, quality and presentation of food, Shodo is an ancient writing technique, Cha-No-Yu or tea ceremony is a ritual that is the very essence of Japanese culture, Geishas or the art of relationships, Bushido or the way of the warrior (samurai, ninjas, kendo, aikido, jiu-jitsu, judo, sumo...), Japanese weapons such as the katana (sabre) or the Yumi (bow and arrows), Feng Shui as the simplicity and harmony of things, Ikebana as floral art, Bonsai as small trays of nature... and surely many more things that make up this exceptional world worth knowing and enjoying. Business is also imbued with Japanese ways of doing things , for example the samurai philosophy, with its codes of respect, values… in business leadership.

In the industrial world there was a before and after when Masaaki Imai published his book " Kaizen, The Key to the Japanese Competitive Advantage " in 1986, a worldwide best-seller of which more than 300,000 copies have been sold and which has been translated into more than 20 languages.

Masaaki Imai, as the father of Kaizen (translation: improvement), presents a work philosophy that is based on common sense and low improvement costs to detect, evolve and perfect the work system in productivity improvements. When the second copy that Masaaki wrote , “How to implement Kaizen in the workplace”,
fell into my hands at the end of the 90s, I admit that it had an impact on me.

It was easy to understand, easy to apply and easy finance and banking email list to engage with. Its reading exuded that Japanese aesthetic that has always fascinated me and its application in the work environment translated into beauty and elegance applied to processes.

Conclusion: easier processes, more efficient production, more benefits in the results, more…


In these times when working with information technologies is becoming more and more important, it is essential to have a method of organisation, planning, improvement... in the management of countless databases and information files.

One of the chapters that has most influenced my way of understanding the organization of my work tools is what Kaizen calls the five S's (5 S) or the five steps of Housekeeping or cleaning or organization of the workplace.