In companies, most information is private, but there is a large amount of public information that we are interested in knowing and analyzing to see if we are really managing our company better or worse than our sector. How can we obtain information about the competition?
Financial and accounting information, the most accessible
If our competing companies have a corporate structure, they are required to submit the deposit of accounts . This information, as we already know, is public and can be easily obtained from the Commercial Registry. Here we can request the deposited accounts of each company year by year with a cost ranging from approximately 8 to 40 euros, depending on the information we want to have.
Apart from the Commercial Registry, we have quite a few companies in the commercial information of other companies, which use the commercial information filed, information from bulletins, previous comparisons, legal incidents and debts with public administrations as a basis to prepare complete canadian colleges universities email list reports of these companies . The cost of these reports depends on each of the companies from which we request information, but from 30 euros on average we can obtain a fairly complete report from companies such as Axesor or eInforma, which are the most important in Spain in this segment.
All this information can be supplemented with sectoral, provincial or autonomous reports that exist on our segment, since in this way we can obtain a market share comparison, a comparison of the company's ratios with the sector and trends... In short, an analysis that will give us a fairly clear picture of the competing companies, our own and the sector.
Legal incidents and debts with administrations
The majority of legal proceedings, debts with the administrations, the granting of aid and subsidies and the bidding of public tenders in certain cases, are information that is obtained from the notice boards of the courts and from the various official bulletins of the different public entities.
The Internet is our friend in these cases and it usually works very well to set up an alert in search engines with the information of the company we want to monitor. At the CIF level, we can obtain much more interesting information about the target companies to be analyzed than we initially think.