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LinkedIn: 6 trends & new features

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2024 5:44 am
by arzina221
The online video trends
Searching in videos is becoming possible! That is a development that I personally am excited about, because you can then very easily find an answer to your question in a video. Furthermore, video expert Pelpina Trip shares a number of interesting trends, such as more attention to accessibility and 1-on-1 videos (business videos that are made specifically for one person).

Social media
9 Social Media Trends That Will Dominate 2020
Which trends should you keep an eye on for social media? Sjef Kerkhofs (DailyDialogues) shares 9 important developments. TikTok will be the challenger of social media this year. The platform is growing very fast, also in the Netherlands. In addition, creative content will receive more and more focus and ' private ' will become the new default .

social media trends

LinkedIn is growing steadily. Sebastiaan Nagel and Judith Eversdijk (SocialBlooming) list the most important trends and new functionalities. For example, you will encounter more and more influencers in your timeline and the organic reach of company pages will continue to decrease this year.

6 Visual Trends on Instagram for 2020
'Spontaneously' shot photos, vulnerable selfies, mexico telegram data retro pastel shades… In this article, Kim Stolk shares 6 striking visual Instagram trends that you shouldn't miss.

Tip: all social media dimensions at a glance
What were the dimensions for images on social media again? They change regularly. This infographic conveniently shows all the current dimensions in one overview.

Screenshot of part of the infographic.


The customer (and the citizen) is central
The customer is central, yes, we have heard that before. You can say it, but 'doing' is a whole different story. Two trend articles zoom in on the so-called customer and citizen, who actually only wants to be helped well. That is not so difficult, is it?

What does the customer want in 2020?
The customer of 2020 is no different from the customer of 2019 and the years before. They are people, with habits, needs and emotions. They do not change overnight. They just want to be helped well! But there are trends that are indeed important for the customer experience and customer journey of now and in the future.