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Back to school 2020-2021: marketing and professional development books to read this summer

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2024 6:31 am
by seobd65
Prepare and lead a workshop
This book reveals 48 golden rules for (re)animating your meetings and seminars in business. Indeed, the authors remind us in the introduction: in France, an executive will spend on average 16 years out of 40 years of career in meetings (source: Hautes Etudes de l'Entreprise 2013). Meeting is certainly essential but unfortunately too many meetings are more "suffered" by the participants than experienced as real participatory experiences.

The goal is therefore to eliminate unnecessary meetings and better organize others: "We have moved from the era of ordering to the era of coordinating and cooperating," the authors explain in the book.

The book is composed of three parts : the time of cell phone number list preparation before the meeting, the time of exchanges itself and that of the end of the meeting and afterwards.

Among the proposed rules, we will cite:

- the 2nd: Pivot from what to why , "Invite participants to a meeting whose purpose is precise, bold or inspiring" , this in order to avoid many participants taking refuge in their smartphone.


- 9th: Broadcast their agenda rather than yours , "The good topics are the participants' topics not those of the boss or the facilitator".

- the 20th: Address sensitive subjects without getting angry, "Some subjects generate more tension than others. "Hot" subjects can cause conflicts, give rise to hypocritical postures... One of your missions, as a facilitator, is to identify potential sources of heat and decide how to deal with them . "

47th: Set aside a real moment to conclude your workshop , "A real conclusion touches the head, the heart and the guts, connects the participants one last time and prepares the return to everyday life".

- Authors: Frédéric Rey-Millet, who runs EthiKonsulting, a management innovation consultancy alongside Arnaud Fontanes and Nicolas Perrard, specialists in agile animations and partners of EthiKonsulting.
- Éditions Eyrolles - 208 pages. €16.90