You can also create variables when you're creating

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You can also create variables when you're creating

Post by nusaiba124 »

a tag by clicking the button next to the field that looks like a Lego brick with a plus sign on it. Data Layer Tags need information to know if they should fire, but where can they find that information? One way is to check the HTML of the page, but this isn't an ideal solution for a few reasons. When tags need to search the HTML to find information, they can take longer to fire.

If the HTML structure of your website changes over time, this can czech republic whatsapp number data cause tags to break. Some types of information that a tag might need can't be found in the HTML of the page, such as the transaction total. The data layer is a JavaScript object that separates the information a tag needs from the rest of your website's code so that the tag can quickly find what it needs. Technically, a data layer is optional.


You don't have to specifically define one yourself; GTM can spin one up for you. But if you want to track specific events with GTM, you need to have a data layer. To get started, your new data layer object will look like this: HTML code for the Google Tag Manager data layer. When you add a data layer, you need to place the object before the GTM container code. If you place the data layer object after the container code, GTM will not be able to access the information in it, and the data layer will basically reset after it loads.
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