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Zero-Copy Integration: Unify Your Data Ecosystem with Vtiger Data Source Designer

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2024 9:28 am
by ashammi244
McKinsey 1 report states that companies that integrate third-party applications 2 can outperform their peers. Today, we see companies using external applications for specialized business activities such as marketing campaigns, accounting, etc. However, there is a downside to this practice.

Let's say you own a large e-commerce business that special database uses separate inventory management and order processing systems. When customers contact customer service about orders, agents may have to look through multiple external applications to get the relevant information. This is time-consuming, and there is no real-time access to data, or you may have to duplicate data.


What do you think is the ideal solution to provide 360-degree visibility into your external data without duplicating it on your servers? This is where zero-copy integration comes into play.

Zero-copy integration or zero-copy cloning is a game changer in transforming how businesses process data across multiple applications. Let's dive deeper.

Understanding Zero-Copy Integration
Zero-copy integration is a data management method that allows you to access and modify data in external applications without leaving your CRM or other software.

You can easily work with data in its original location in real time without transferring or duplicating it. This technology eliminates the need to create multiple copies of third-party application data.

Let's look at this example. WeCare is an e-commerce company that sells cosmetics. They integrated a third-party inventory management application with their CRM. They ran into data duplication issues and purchase order errors because stock levels weren't updating and the integration wasn't working well.

WeCare used zero-copy integration across their CRM and third-party inventory management applications to manage their data. They were able to effortlessly create a complete view of their inventory and order processing data in their CRM. This allowed for seamless integration between applications, reduced data duplication, provided real-time data, and minimized the load on their on-premises server.

The main reasons why zero-copy integration is important for your business are:

Minimizes data fragmentation and redundancy.
Reduces the risk of data leakage and unauthorized access.
Manages data across multiple channels.
Eliminates costs associated with data transmission.
Vtiger's data source builder is built on the concept of zero-copy integration. Let's explore this further.

Vtiger Data Source Designer Based on Zero-Copy Integration
Vtiger CRM has launched a powerful feature that allows you to access and manage data in external applications using zero-copy integration. 3 .

Two important features introduced by Vtiger are: