Orange - energy and positivity

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Orange - energy and positivity

Post by samiul123 »

Orange is associated with cheerfulness, optimism, creativity. It is a great "antidepressant". It is used for conversion elements, as is red, if the overall color scheme allows it.

We used orange on the website for the Russian representative usa people whatsapp number of Warner Music, an online store that sells vinyl records of famous artists.

When a person wants to listen to their favorite music, they often want to get a powerful boost of energy. Orange color does its job perfectly, setting a person up to buy such an "antidepressant".


Contact us - both for the "beauty" of the site and for sales!

As you can see, in order to make a website selling and "pleasing to the eye", it is not enough to just have an innate taste. It is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the impact of the appearance of web elements on the user's subconscious.

The color perception features we have told you about in this article are just the tip of the iceberg. It is also important to consider the location of web elements relative to each other, the shape and thickness of lines, the appropriateness of using fonts or decorative elements. All these nuances affect conversion, and ultimately, profit.

Therefore, if you need a selling and representative website, contact us. We do not decorate websites with design, but rather increase their relevance to your target audience. That is, our designers help create tools for sales and brand formation, rather than engage in creative self-expression at someone else's expense. Isn't this the kind of specialist you were looking for?
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