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5 key steps to an effective social selling strategy

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2024 8:16 am
by samolsam
How to boost your company's sales? This is the question overseas data that many companies are asking themselves in the digital age. Can having a social selling strategy meet the expectations of new consumer habits? To answer this last question directly, the share of social selling is now essential to win new contracts. No company can do without this marketing and sales action today.

Today LinkedIn is a goldmine for finding and interacting with leads. LinkedIn in a few figures is:

500 million accounts worldwide
115 million active users worldwide
14 million accounts in France, representing 52.26% of the working population
3.2 million active users (connecting more than once a month) throughout France
The potential of this platform is therefore very important in terms of business opportunities. But how can we stand out from the increasingly fierce competition on this network?

In this article, we will give you the five essential steps to implement an effective social selling strategy.
Before starting a social selling strategy on LinkedIn, you need to solidify your foundations, that is, develop your network. So yes, developing your network may seem simple at first glance, but the reality is much more complex.

Developing a professional network on LinkedIn does not mean adding everyone and anyone. You need to target your network according to several criteria:

The first is that of people you know, with whom you have worked who are able to recommend you. Because yes, recommendations affect your positioning and your visibility.
People with whom you will be able to have exchanges
People in your professional environment with whom you are likely to do business.
You also need to work on your personal branding and make yourself a brand. To do this, you need to fully optimize your profile, highlight your skills and experiences. If you don't have a well-optimized profile, you lose 90% of your chance of generating action with a lead.

But through LinkedIn, you also need to know how to stand out from the crowd and be visible, especially on news feeds. So how do you do it? To be more visible, you need to share, exchange and comment on content that is close to your area of ​​activity. This will gradually position you as an opinion leader, especially if you justify it through relevant content.

To help you develop your network, LinkedIn has set up a tool: sales navigator . This allows you to know your weight on your social network while giving indications on how to improve it. It consists of 4 phases allowing you to see your areas for improvement. Once your base is well built, you will be able to more easily communicate with your potential leads.