There is certainly benefit in this process, but admit it, how often do you use the Anna or John model in your daily work? Detailing is important, but don't go overboard and do analysis for the sake of analysis. The ultimate goal of segmenting and working with personas is to create a value proposition for that "subject." Therefore, highlight the metrics that will impact real marketing activities and bring value to the end user. For example, if segment A is prone to saving, and persona Anna does not have a permanent job, a 15% discount phone dataset will work as an element of personalization, and the “two for the price of one” offer will bring them back to your site.
and John, who is a business owner and a regular customer of your antique shop, the value will be a limited quantity of goods and a unique design. They will definitely not scroll through such advertisements on Facebook. Predicting customer behavior RFM analysis shows that it is not worth spending sales resources on a client who visited the site three times, placed an order and left without paying. But if the client chose and put a product in the basket, and is now choosing additional components for it, you can offer him help or a discount. A client who hesitates with the choice and asks many questions can be offered an additional paid service with a turnkey setup.