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This personal approach strengthens the connection between

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2025 7:20 am
by moniyaakter
you and attendees, giving a more personable and human touch to your communications. Avoid automated emails and instead opt for a personalized approach for maximum impact.

Once you have successfully converted your lead into a customer, you must not forget about them. It is important that you maintain your relationship with them, in the event of a new purchase. Do not hesitate to contact them again by offering them more in-depth content that can meet their needs. In this way, you can highlight your expertise cameroon telegram database and encourage them to come back to you in the future. Maintain a connection with them so that they keep a good image of you. In addition, if they are satisfied with their purchase, they will be a spokesperson for your brand with their community. Know that by using a content strategy for your lead generation, it will cost you 62% less than traditional advertising.The Podcast: this new trend that helps your inbound marketing strategy!
By Claire on June 2, 2023 - 14 min read
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Web Marketing Manager

Simple and inexpensive to produce, podcasts have become popular thanks to websites that have started using this tool to talk about topics of interest. Today, they are widely used as a means of marketing and communication. Although podcasts are not entirely new, they are gaining popularity as people and businesses realize the power of connecting audibly with the public. Nearly 6 million French people listen to podcasts at least once a week and this number continues to increase, which makes one thing clear: citizens want to hear what others have to say about topics that interest them.