Establish a solid measurement foundation

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Establish a solid measurement foundation

Post by mouakter16 »

Set up robust site-wide tagging with Google Tag to capture the data that matters most to you. Enable enhanced conversions to improve the accuracy of your conversion measurement. Use Web to App Connect and create a seamless experience for holiday shoppers moving between channels and devices.

8. Use first-party data
Maximize your sales by acquiring new customers and re-engaging existing ones. Take advantage of the new customer acquisition objective during the holiday season when customers are open to new brands. Maximize sales bosnia and herzegovina phone numbers from existing customers while bringing more new customers to your business.

9. Expand your end URL
First, keep the auto-asset creation feature enabled to dynamically optimize headlines and descriptions to be more relevant to users' rapidly changing search queries during the holidays. Then, enable final URL expansion. This will help you find new, converting search queries and replace your final URL with another landing page on your site that better matches a user's search intent.

Like the perfect mix of mulled wine and gingerbread for your holiday season, these best practices will help you refine your marketing strategies with Performance Max and make your campaigns shine like the lights on a Christmas tree.

At Labelium, we're your digital elves, helping you fill the gift sack of your marketing campaigns with these handy tips. Our expertise, combined with the power of Google AI, will make sure your Performance Max campaigns shine as brightly as Rudolph's nose on a frosty December evening. The holidays are just around the corner, let's make sure your digital marketing shines this season!
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