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Getting to know your customer through AI and data analytics

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2025 4:55 am
by Mitu100@
Even so, shopping in physical stores remains the favourite choice for Spaniards, which is why retailers have to adapt in the best way possible to changing consumer demands and manage to offer the right combination of purchases for each consumer.

In this sense, during the Retail Forum event , organized by iKN Spain at the end of March, several speakers from relevant companies in the food sector such as Alcampo, Eroski, Spar, Glovo, Veritas or Supermercados masymas , among others, talked about the different technological trends that are revolutionizing the retail sector in Spain.

Retail Media in Food Retail
One of the strongest trends of the moment is Retail Media, which is the advertising strategy that is carried out through the retailers ' own channels so that consumers interact with the information of the different brands sold in the store. These channels are the retailers ' own website , their app or even the physical store itself.

As discussed at the hungary number screening Retail Forum, the Spanish customer is omnichannel and retailers must know how to take advantage of the end of the purchase to be able to offer all the purchasing facilities and information about other products at the exact moment. To do this, the best way to implement Retail Media actions is to test them in small parts of the business and gradually adjust them to later extend them to the entire business, both online and offline.

Retailers must know how to take advantage of all the movements that customers make both in the online store and in the physical store to collect data and get to know them better. To do this, data analytics and AI help companies generate a better shopping experience for customers and achieve customer loyalty. AI has the ability to empower customers with data, providing them with a 360ยบ view from the moment the consumer enters the store.