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But I tried some larger marketing articles, you know,

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2025 7:11 am
by nishat@264
maybe more general marketing topics. I got that feedback and then I went this far. I did something I called the last blog post that was based on the last lecture, and it was just looking back at a career. What lessons did you learn? I made it a group blogging effort.

Reach out to all these other bloggers like Guy Kawasaki. We published all at the same time, but I never would have gone that far if I hadn't first taken some steps and tried more general marketing content and seen how they reacted. And frankly, the last blog post I did, really how I made it marketing kind of came out of that because I learned there's two things we learned from the things we made and from the people we made and with.

And we often in our careers are so busy with our macedonia whatsapp resource campaigns and heads down and trying to hit our quarterly numbers, we don't stop and look back at our careers and think those people and see we learn and share with others. So for you, like how did you like get out from the street? One of the thing real quick was, well, I started watching the founder.

I did. Have you seen the founder? We're talking about Ray Kroc. Yeah, it's about McDonald's and Ray Kroc and how that started. And I've always started watching it. But he was a traveling salesman, Ray Kroc, and he was going to all these different restaurants in person and trying to sell these milkshakes. And that's how he discovered McDonald's. And I was thinking like one, I thought like, wow, he's got so many less conversion opportunities.