What do you think it will look like in the next five years?

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What do you think it will look like in the next five years?

Post by Joyzfsddt66 »

Recruiting with social media is technically new, but the idea of social recruiting isn't. It's always been important to use all effective channels available to reach top talent; there are just more channels now!

The real change we've seen in the past five years is in job seekers' expectations. People now expect to be able to Google an employer to find out about their company culture. They want to see good employer branding and a social media presence; they want to see social proof that legitimizes a potential employer before they fill out a job application.

If you have no "searchable" employer brand, candidates find it incredibly suspect. This is colombia whatsapp phone number yet another great reason to use apps like Jobcast to give yourself a presence, and to work with companies like Social-Hire to ensure that your employer brand's presence is professional and inspires trust.

As for the next five years ... I think employee referral programs will finally get the attention that they truly deserve! Social recruiting will no longer be a separate thing from recruiting; it will become just as much a part of your hiring strategy as writing job descriptions.

I'm also hoping to see (and provide) improvements in automation, so as to make the recruitment process easier. Using HR tech should make recruitment easier, not add a ton of extra steps!

Can you talk about some of the different ways you've found companies using social media to recruit?
I'm seeing a lot more companies use recruitment videos on their Facebook Career Page. Video is a great way to convey company culture to potential candidates.

I'm also seeing companies use social media to drive the referral process quite a bit. Jobcast users are using Facebook to alert their employees about open positions and encourage them to share these jobs to Twitter, LinkedIn and their Facebook Timelines.
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