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The pages of media outlets, popular bloggers,

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2025 7:01 am
Music artists, etc. are being blocked. Among those blocked are “Soloviev Live”, “Krym 24”, RT, RBC, NTV, Shaman, Polina Gagarina, Grigory Leps, Oleg Gazmanov, Yulia Chicherina, Zakhar Prilepin, Olympic champion in artistic gymnastics Nikita Nagorny, football clubs CSKA and Akhmat, etc. Roskomnadzor called this an “act of censorship”.

The relationship between Google and the finland whatsapp number list Russian authorities began to deteriorate even before the start of the SVO. At the end of 2021, the court, following a lawsuit by Roskomnadzor, ordered Google to pay a fine of 7 billion rubles due to failure to remove illegal information. In the summer of 2022, the fine was increased to 22 billion rubles. The Tsargrad TV channel also won a lawsuit to recognize the illegal blocking of its YouTube account and to collect 1 billion rubles from Google.

After the start of the SVO, YouTube began a mass blocking of popular Russian accounts: including TV channels. Some of the blocked TV channels - for example, NTV and TV Center - won court cases with Google, and the court ordered the corporation to pay the plaintiffs 100 thousand rubles for each day of blocking.

The Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) has recognized Google's actions to block Russian YouTube accounts as an abuse of a dominant position: following a lawsuit filed by the service, a fine of 2 billion rubles was imposed on the corporation. Subsequently, following a lawsuit filed by the FAS, another fine of 4 billion rubles was imposed on Google.

In total, in 2022, bailiffs, in compliance with court decisions, wrote off 10 billion rubles from the accounts of Google's Russian representative office. The activities of the corporation's Russian representative office, Google LLC, were terminated and it was declared bankrupt.

The total debt of Google's Russian representative office in 2023 was estimated at 30 billion rubles. In 2024, the interim manager of Google's Russian representative office, Valery Talyarovsky, won a lawsuit against Google's parent company, Google Ireland, to recover 10 billion rubles, which were transferred to the corporation's Russian subsidiary in 2021 as dividends.

In the spring of 2022, Roskomnadzor blocked access to the news aggregator Google News. Since then, rumors have spread about blocking access to YouTube, but Russian authorities have denied them. The reasons why Russian authorities have not yet decided to block YouTube are the large amount of Russian-language content on this platform, as well as the unpreparedness of Russian platforms (RuTube, “VK Video”) to fully replace this service.