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How can we get to know each of the people who work in our company?

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2025 7:22 am
by khatunhumaira
Our “customer” is the team and maintaining a strong commitment to them will make them our best ambassador to the outside.

Very simple: by listening to them. We periodically organize small work teams so that each person can express their ideas, concerns or ambitions. It is a way to reach everyone and open a new, more direct communication channel. Likewise, we work side by side with managers so that, from their position within the teams, they promote communication and inform us of the needs they encounter.

All feedback received is taken into consideration and analyzed, so that we can implement actions that improve the Employee Experience throughout its journey. Without this valuable information we would not be able to achieve our argentina email list goal: creating a pleasant environment for all the people who work at Wam.

Actions that improve the Employee Experience
In our case, we try to cover as many areas as possible to satisfy everyone's needs. Over time, we have implemented different actions with different objectives. Here are some of them:

Employee of the Month: employee of the month and year; and employee of the year;
“We Are”, the internal bimonthly magazine for the dissemination of communications and news;
onboarding and offboarding process with exit interview to gain insights for improvement;