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These results should reinforce the IT concept behind your business and

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2025 6:28 am
by sumonasumonakha.tu1
Simply put, personal branding is the “image” that you create of yourself. It requires a sustained approach and a careful understanding of your skills as a person and what you have to offer the business world. Try this simple test: Google your name and check out the first page of results. What kind of pages pop up as you look through these results? If you have adequately branded, you should see pages dedicated to you and your business — or pages at least tangentially related to you.

Now, examine these pages as if you are a customer who is investigating a potential business investor phone number list partner or service. What kind of story do these pages tell about you and your career? If you have correctly branded yourself, they should paint a very accurate picture of who you are as a person. For example, if you operate an IT firm, your first page should link to your business website, sites where you’ve published any articles, reviews for your company, and much more.

center you as a leader in your field. If you find almost no search results related to your name, then your branding is off. Your messaging hasn’t been appropriately centered, and very few people are likely to find your services. Don’t panic, though! You can turn around your branding with just a little work. To do that, you need to fully understand the critical aspect of personal branding and how you can enhance your brand presence.