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Developers, developers, developers!

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2025 6:29 am
by Mitu100@
Internal knowledge must grow
Different designs from different designers provide more inspiration and a greater chance of improvement during a test. For many advertisers, it is also very convenient because of the speed. The time when you had to wait weeks for a design is definitely over. In many cases, you will receive designs within 48 hours. For this reason, crowdsourcing will continue to grow within conversion optimization in the coming year.

In order to make the right moves with conversion optimization, it is important that knowledge about conversion within organizations grows. For an organization that invests heavily in the internet, this approach largely determines the success and the figures that appear on the balance sheet. KPIs that influence the revenue per visitor must be managed more actively, in order to optimize the result. Pure players have a great advantage in this area, because they often have e-commerce and managing these figures in their blood.

Also within buy brazil whatsapp number database conversion optimization it is essential to have developers who can realize technically more complex matters. Much can be realized with the help of tools, without major technical adjustments, but in order to make the right moves, you as an organization will also have to be flexible on the technical side. In many cases it pays to free up one or more developers and focus on this, together with a marketer and an agency. This collaboration works well, because they share knowledge, can analyze figures and they can quickly be converted into new actions to test.

What should you work on?
Revenue per visitor will become more important than ever in the coming year. Working on conversion optimization on a daily basis will largely determine the success you achieve from online marketing in 2014 and will also lay the foundation for the coming years. Those who know how to focus properly and deploy the right technology and people can look forward to a great 2014.

Finally, I wish you all (also on behalf of my colleagues) a happy, healthy and ROI Driven 2014! I will keep you informed and will give an update at the end of 2014.