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What is MEI Corporate Name?

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2025 9:52 am
by bitheerani93
Anyone who is an MEI has a corporate name automatically created by the Federal Revenue Service when the company is created.

From December 2022, the MEI corporate name is composed of the root number of the CNPJ (first eight digits of the CNPJ separated by periods) + full civil name or the full social name of the holder . As in the following example: (first 8 digits of the CNPJ) + name of the entrepreneur.

Previously, this corporate name was made up of the CPF + the israel phone number list name, but this rule was changed by the Federal Revenue Service with the aim of protecting the data of the individual microentrepreneur, following the new guidelines of the General Data Protection Law (LGPD).

Anyone with an MEI created before December 2022 will have their business name (corporate name) automatically updated to the new standard.

How to change the MEI company name
It is not possible to change the corporate name of a company that operates as an MEI . This is because this is a type of legal entity created to serve beginning entrepreneurs and service providers who work as freelancers.

In other words, it is not possible to break the automatic order formed by the first eight numbers of the CNPJ + name of the holder.

Therefore, it is only possible to change the corporate name of a MEI company if it grows and is no longer necessarily a company in this format.

This happens when a microentrepreneur exceeds R$81 thousand reais in annual revenue, causing him to cease to be an MEI (individual microentrepreneur) and adapt to the next legal entity format, the microenterprise (ME).

Trade name and social name: what's the difference?
As we said before, it is not possible to change the corporate name of an MEI, but it is possible to change the trade name at any time.

The trade name is the name by which your customers will know your store and which you will use in your marketing actions. For example:

Company name: 01.234.567 João Silva
Trade name: Spring Shoes
This trade name can be changed at any time on the entrepreneur portal . However, it is worth noting that this trade name does not guarantee that the entrepreneur has full and exclusive rights to this brand, but rather that he or she can use it on a daily basis and in his or her marketing actions.

To guarantee full rights over your store's brand, it will be necessary to register it with the National Institute of Industrial Property ( INPI ).